An advanced Group Coaching program for men ready to fast-track their growth using MELD’s science-backed method.
We’re told to work hard, to innovate, and to achieve –and even when we do, sometimes for an entire lifetime, we’re still left feeling unfulfilled, like something is missing. The truth is, there is no amount of material success that can provide that kind of deep, satisfying feeling of contentment you're searching for.
There is a cost to the invincible image we’re expected to live up to, but having gone through life without a model for deeper connection, it can feel like there is never enough time to do what's required to come into true alignment – if we even knew where to start.
Without the right tools, it can be easy to struggle with:
Feeling stagnant and unfulfilled
Wondering “Isn’t there more to life than this?”
Distant or unhealthy relationships
Health concerns or chronic pain
Work-life imbalance
Lack of Vitality
Disconnected from deeper purpose
Redefining yourself beyond your career
Shutting down or checking out
Feeling afraid to speak deeply held truths
Loneliness / Lack of meaningful friendships
Fortunately this doesn't need to be a life sentence, and turning things around doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated. The Forge Group Coaching program utilizes MELD’s science-based technique, proven in over 3 decades of working with men, to help you answer the big questions and get more out of your life. We are ready to help you develop the tools that will serve you for the rest of your life.
Forge will give you the skills you need to finally make generative pattern shifts, as well the community and guidance to make it last.
Imagine a tight-knit club where your experiences are deeply valued. Where each challenge is a golden opportunity for growth, and every interaction deepens your connection to yourself, and to others. This is the heart of Forge Group Coaching—a transformative journey through self-discovery, backed by the groundbreaking science of emotional physiology and the unparalleled supportive power of the pack. If you’re ready to claim the richness and vibrancy you deserve, then you are ready for Forge.
From day one get embodied experience with the MELD Method, feeling into deeper layers behind the stories. No more time wasted worrying how to get started on the next step of your journey.
Receive expert guidance from a men’s coach who has built 2 successful men’s health organizations, guided thousands of me through personal transformation, formed hundreds of men’s groups, and coached elite corporate teams and olympic athletes alike.
Become inspired by a supportive network of like-minded men, creating community around motivating each other.
Use our exclusive systems and coaching strategies to stay on track and focused on achieving your personal aspirations.
Reshape the most powerful tool you have - your instincts! Work through limiting beliefs and clear blocks keeping you from success.
Many coaching programs don’t have the grounding in science, nor the body-based approach to create sustainable changes. Instead there’s heavy emphasis on the “wisdom” of the authority figure, creating a dependency on their “gifts” and a reliance on dogma. You end up with a lot of conceptual advice that sounds good and makes sense at the time, but quickly fades.
Instead of addressing the issues at the root, you get prescriptive advice that doesn’t take your unique situation into account, but will happily cash in on your pain.
That’s not growth, it’s not sustainable, and honestly you deserve better.
With Forge, you are the hero. MELD does not seek to create dependency, rather you build the skills that will serve you for the rest of your life.
Many coaching programs don’t have the grounding in science, nor the body-based approach to create sustainable changes. Instead there’s heavy emphasis on the “wisdom” of the authority figure, creating a dependency on their “gifts” and a reliance on dogma. You end up with a lot of conceptual advice that sounds good and makes sense at the time, but quickly fades.
Instead of addressing the issues at the root, you get prescriptive advice that doesn’t take your unique situation into account, but will happily cash in on your pain.
That’s not growth, it’s not sustainable, and honestly you deserve better.
With Forge, you are the hero. MELD does not seek to create dependency, rather you build the skills that will serve you for the rest of your life.
Our Forge group coaching program offers personalized advanced group training sessions in a live online format with the creator of the MELD Method and MELD Community co-founder, Owen Marcus. Studying with pioneering mind-body practitioners such as Ron Kurtz and Peter Levine starting in the 1970s, Owen established himself as one of the premiere Rolfers in the world at his integrated medical clinic in Scottsdale AZ in the 1990s. Owen turned his attention to men’s work over 30 years ago to tackle a blindspot in our culture: addressing the challenges men face, from a man’s perspective. Owen Marcus’s work is the foundational methodology employed by the Sandpoint Men’s Group, Evryman, and now MELD.
Personalized deep dive group sessions to develop your awareness, your instincts, and your resiliency.
Unlimited support from Owen.
Accountability and assistance via peer-to-peer collaboration and supervised study.
Coaching around your health, habits, and patterns, so you have the vitality to make generative growth stick.
A collection of program-specific and cohort-exclusive resources.
Access to our community where men like you are reshaping the concept of strength.
One year of discounts on MELD trainings and events.
MELD Forge is meticulously designed to catalyze durable change. From the very first session, you'll experience a profound shift in how you confront life's challenges and interact with those around you.
Forge meets live online, Wednesdays, from 10AM - 11:30AM PST. The 12-week format allows for thorough training, experiential exercise, and support with integration.
After completing the application, you will receive a 30-minute consultation to discover if this group is a good investment.
The next Forge group coaching program begins in January, 2025.
We begin by examining the inner and outer conflicts that have brought you to where you are today, confronting your struggles, and what is driving you on your journey, as well as what you wish to leave behind.
We’ll develop your emotional resilience using your somatic experience and awareness of your instincts by grounding into the natural wisdom in your body. Guided interaction and practices allow you to integrate your felt sense as a powerful ally in your journey of self-discovery and transformation.
You’ll dismantle old patterns, setting the stage for life-changing growth through guided practice, somatic exercises, and supportive partnerships, empowering you to navigate your personal trials and face down your fears.
Access exclusive teaching calls, expanding exercises and grounding meditations, taking you slowly but surely through reintegrating a renewed sense of purpose and ability into your everyday life.
You’ll be guided by our expert coaches who will educate you, give you feedback, support you, act as a sounding board, and challenge you to live into your fullest form.
Access to the MELD Membership online platform where exceptional men like you are developing their skills with specially designed lesson plans, guided meditations, and group guides.
Lay the foundation for even more advanced personal development work like our in-person retreat trainings and professional development initiative and certification for therapists, coaches, doctors, entrepreneurs, and other professionals who work with men.
Leading therapists have recognized the power of the MELD Method:
Esther Perel, the only woman ever to attend one of our events, encourages men to attend our trainings and groups.
Sue Johnson, Ph.D., the developer of Emotional Focus Therapy (EFT), compared what MELD does for men to EFT.
Richard Schwartz, the creator of Internal Family Systems therapy, honored the work of MELD as another way to work with parts.
Terry Real, one of the premier couple’s therapists, encourages men to pursue MELD training.
"I joined Forge during an extremely difficult time in my life. I recently divorced my wife and became the primary caregiver for my two daughters. Work was intense. My world was disintegrating. I wanted more for myself.
It was clear that the universe was calling for a deep internal change. It was time to shed the identities, habits, and behaviors of the past and surrender to myself and the frightening possibilities of life.
I began my journey in survival mode. I was confused, hurt, exhausted, and lost. In retrospect, my journey was focused on the self—embracing my intuition, accepting and speaking my truth, and asserting my needs without guilt and shame for how I felt. These core skills have transformed my life from dominant emotions like fear and grief to a deep sense of hope, confidence, and freedom.
As Owen and my peers objectively worked through their issues, it helped me see parts of myself I would have missed otherwise.
Owen's direct coaching during the group connected with me every time. I never left a group session without getting more than what I needed.
Perhaps the most valuable part of the Forge group is the relationships I built. I have a group of like-minded men that I can reach out to (and still do) whenever I feel like it. I trust the men I have journeyed with and am deeply humbled by their support, sincerity, and generosity.
If you are ready to take your life to a new level, I highly recommend the Forge program. The work has very clear and tangible rewards. I plan to repeat the program in the future."
Glenn Doherty
I'm the kind of guy who's always told himself to "get over it," "suck it up," and "move along." I've always believed in staying positive, looking forward, and hardening the hell up. So, considering participating in a Men’s Emotional Leadership program was quite scary for me.
Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," and I think he was right. But in a world where we're constantly growing up, facing challenges, playing sports, attending schools, starting careers, getting married—where or when can we really stop, look inwards, and tackle fear head-on? The fear of failure, public humiliation, losing your job or business, losing loved ones—the list goes on.
Working with Owen and participating in the MELD Forge Course has been a game-changer for me. It’s helped me increase my self-awareness and, more importantly, identify and tackle my personal fears. When the chips are down and you feel like you’ve exhausted all your resources, it might be time to consider the MELD course. Look inwards, get in touch with what really scares and worries you, and find the strength to face it.
Richard Chennells , Zululand, South Africa
With Forge, Owen has constructed a mythical container for trait change. At first, I was skeptical that 12 weeks of my life would magically fit the arc of a traditional hero’s journey, but within the first few weeks, some weird stuff started happening. I’d find Owen’s opening meditations to be ultra-resonant and oddly specific as if he knew what conflict I’d encountered that week before I had a chance to share it with the group. More than once, I considered whether Owen could have actually hired people in my life to stir things up and teach me that week’s lessons.
Looking back on the experience, I feel most grateful to have really honed in on my calling, developed a deep, supportive connection with my dyad partner, and to have been able to work through whatever was present for me with Owen and the group every week. As a result, I feel like I’m starting to live a little more in the gray area, giving myself a chance to be less rigid with my own narrative and allowing myself to try on new ways of being in the world.
David Gross
"First off, do it. You will not regret it. I’ve worked with Owen Marcus for 10 years in a group setting and it simply changed my life. Today I’m the man I have always wanted to be, and he helped me see that it was possible. Plus, he helped me find my own answers and that's why the change feels so good – it’s mine."
David Stamation, Executive Coach, COO Legacy Life Consulting
MELD utilizes the latest research on stress, trauma, polyvagal theory, and attachment theory to take advantage of an untapped asset: our physiology. Rather than ignore our physiological and emotional responses, we develop the skills that make them our allies.
MELD utilizes the latest research on stress, trauma, polyvagal theory, and attachment theory to take advantage of an untapped asset: our physiology. Rather than ignore our physiological and emotional responses, we develop the skills that make them our allies.
MELD utilizes the latest research on stress, trauma, polyvagal theory, and attachment theory to take advantage of an untapped asset: our physiology. Rather than ignore our physiological and emotional responses, we develop the skills that make them our allies.
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