Leadership Begins Within


The answer is not in your mind, it’s in your body.

Starts September 4th

Go from overwhelmed and checked out to taking action with clarity. Repair your damaged relationships and show up as more of who you are. Start building, or re-building the life you've always wanted.


The answer is not in your mind, it’s in your body.

Go from overwhelmed and checked out to taking action with clarity. Repair your damaged relationships and show up as more of who you are. Start building, or re-building the life you've always wanted.

MELD Core helps men resolve:

Stress, Overwhelm, & Burnout

I have a history of chronic stress and this impacts my ability to be productive.

Stress is a normal part of life, but many of us don’t have effective stress management tools. With Core you’ll learn simple strategies to help you regulate stress in the moment, allowing you to take action with clarity.

Numbing, Checking Out, & Shutting Down

In difficult situations I distract myself for instant relief and it often goes against my integrity and values.

Numbing out, checking out, or shutting down are natural survival response when we feel unsafe (aka freeze or dissociate). However, it can affect our ability to connect with ourselves and others when left unchecked. We’ll teach you how to get back into your body to mobilize into action.

Unhealthy Relationships

I’ve drifted apart from my relationships and I’m not sure what to do.

Relationships are what fuel our energetic body. And it’s natural for relationships to evolve and sometimes grow apart over time. In Core we’ll teach you how to make courageous requests so that you feel safe and supported by the people you choose to have in your life.

Limited Emotional Vocabulary

I can feel things but I shut down when I try to share them.

Emotional Intelligence wasn’t a class in school. And so many of us weren’t taught how to speak about our emotions and how we feel. Our approach to emotional intelligence is digestible and easy to understand. We focus on 5 emotions: anger, sadness, shame, fear, and joy.

Loneliness & Isolation

I haven’t felt connected to someone in a really long time.

Connection is a human need; it’s one of the keys to living a long, healthy life. We’ll be practicing how to connect with other people in safe spaces through brave shares. Most men find this risky and difficult, but the benefits are long-lasting.


Anxiety disrupts my day and keeps me from doing the things I want to do.

Anxiety can paralyze us, making us immobile. But by slowing down our nervous system, we can pause and decipher between a real threat versus a perceived threat. Slowing down the body is one of the keys to The MELD Method.

Embodied Awareness

Download our FREE Step-by-Step Somatic Guide for Men

Explore the Science of the Mind-Body Connection

MELD Core is an interactive experience backed by decades of research by the leading experts in trauma and emotional physiology. The foundation of this program is built on The MELD Method – a method specifically crafted for men to feel more energized, healthier, and create real, measurable change in their lives.

Embrace the wisdom of your body's responses, and harness their power by developing the skills to make them your ally.

A Community for Men, Grounded in Science

The Research

A 2024 study published by the American Psychological Association's journal, Psychology of Men & Masculinities, delved into the MELD Method as applied in this program, led by Mike Sagun. The study found several key benefits of our program:

Increased Emotional Development & Authenticity

MELD's work has been associated with increases in men's capacity for emotional development, self-disclosure, and authenticity.

Improvement in

Relationship Quality

Participants reported better relationship quality, especially with significant others. Men became more present and engaged in their relationships, leading to closer and more open connections.

Enhanced Emotional Regulation

Men described an improved ability to manage their emotions, leading to experiencing more positive affect and joy.

Open Expression & Conflict Resolution

Men became more adept at conflict resolution, navigating disagreements with a greater sense of emotional understanding and connection.

In this 4-Week Program, You Will:

  • Develop a foundational understanding of your autonomic nervous system so you have more agency over your actions (and reactions).

  • Apply practical skills to help you down-regulate your stress response.

  • Build healthier relationships by increasing your awareness.

  • Improve your ability to share authentically, listen, and connect.

  • Build a larger emotional vocabulary

  • Connect with a community of men on a similar journey.

  • Increase your energy levels.

  • Increase your ability to be present even under stressful situations.

In this 4-Week Program, You Will:

  • Develop a foundational understanding of your autonomic nervous system so you have more agency over your actions (and reactions).

  • Apply practical skills to help you down-regulate your stress response.

  • Build healthier relationships by increasing your awareness.

  • Improve your ability to share authentically, listen, and connect.

  • Build a larger emotional vocabulary

  • Connect with a community of men on a similar journey.

  • Increase your energy levels.

  • Increase your ability to be present even under stressful situations.

Weekly Schedule

MELD Core meets live on four consecutive Wednesdays, from 7:00PM - 9:00PM EST.

The next Core program begins September 4th.

Week 1: SOMAware - Somatic Awareness

Developing emotional intelligence starts with developing our “felt sense”. Updating our SOMAware helps us regulate the stress response, communicate effectively, and increase connection.

Week 2: We Are Hardwired to Survive

We’re all really good at surviving, but many men don’t know how to shut down their survival responses, ultimately leading them to a life of chronic stress. Week 2 is about learning tools to go from surviving to thriving.

Week 3: We Are Hardwired to Connect

Loneliness and depression don’t have to be a life sentence. We apply the latest research around connection and intimacy into our program. This week is dedicated to practicing the skills needed to have healthy, satisfying relationships.

Week 4: Vitality

Vitality is living a life with strength and energy. MELD Core is the beginning of restoring vitality in your life and all the things you do. The final week of this program focuses on helping men feel resourced, healthy, and motivated.



In these 4 weeks you’ll get:

  • The MELD Core Program

  • 8 hours of interactive classes

  • Support from our world-class team

  • Access to our Member Community platform

  • Recordings of classes to review

  • A weekly small group

Need assistance?

Please send us a message, or schedule a consultation with our team.

The MELD Promise

We care about men and their mental health. When men take care of themselves, there is a ripple effect in their families and their communities benefit. For some of you, this is just the beginning. If you’re willing to take a few risks, challenge yourself, and stand with men just like you, enroll into this program. We promise you’ll feel different after. And we guarantee that if you commit to this 4-week program, you will feel more like yourself, have greater confidence, and less stress. We’re confident in this work, and if you don’t feel any changes, we will refund your money back.

You’re important to us, just like you’re important to the people you surround yourself with. They want to see change just as much as you do. We’re here to help. Register for a spot in Core 1 now.


How will I know if this program worked?

This is a great question and it could only be answered by you. At the beginning of the program, you'll take a survey to assess your current states. This will give you a base-level assessment of how you feel. At the end of the program, you'll take another survey with similar questions and you'll be able to compare the results. If you graduate from the program feeling different and better, you'll also probably feel that the program worked.

We've run this program many times before and these are the results:

78% saw a reduction in stress and anxiety.

83% felt less lonely or isolated with their emotions.

74% expressed improvements in their relationships.

67% felt more grounded and present daily.

Are you trained mental health professionals?

Yes. Although we are not therapists, we have had extensive training in mental health as well as physical and emotional wellness. Mike Sagun has had training and certifications from The Suicide Prevention Hotline, Somatic Experiencing, and Co-Active Training Institute.

When are the live calls?

Core begins the first Wednesday of each month, and meets on four consecutive Wednesdays, from 7PM - 9PM EST.

What if I can't make it to a class?

We encourage students to come to every class, and we also know things happen. If you can't make it to class, the live calls are recorded for later viewing.

What kinds of science and research go into formulating the Core Program?

Core is developed through decades of research from the leading experts in trauma and stress management, like Peter Levine, PhD, Stephen Porges, PhD, Bessel van der Kolk, MD, and many others. We have taken the data on the nervous system, emotional regulation, co-regulation, and mindfulness to create a program that can help any man feel different and feel better.

What are the agreements?

The agreements are a set of principles governing how we show up in order to get the most out of our time together and support each other's growth.

The Agreements

- I am responsible for creating an environment of safety and respect for every man in the group. 

- I will keep everything discussed or revealed in the group completely confidential except for my own personal experience.

- I will show respect for the group by arriving on time or early.

- I will honor myself and the other men by not coming under the influence of any mood altering substances, including drugs and alcohol.

- I agree that our time together is not counseling or therapy. If I am engaged in therapy or counseling, I am encouraged to disclose it to the group. If I am engaged in therapy, I am encouraged to speak about the group with my therapist or counselor.

- I will include all the men in the conversation. I will not dominate.

- I may pass, or opt out. My level of involvement and participation is up to me.

- I will not be violent or abusive.

- If there is any reason to believe that I may be of harm to myself or others, I am required to share this with the group.

- I take care of myself physically and mentally so I can be fully present with the group.

What happens after the program?

After Core you'll be added to our alumni group where you'll be able to connect with fellow Core graduates. If you and your small group wish to stay together, we will help you kick your group off so that it can stand on its own with minimal support from us. And as long as you are a member of our platform, you'll always get access to the Core lessons.

Men’s Emotional Leadership Development

MELD utilizes the latest research on stress, trauma, polyvagal theory, and attachment theory to take advantage of an untapped asset: our physiology. Rather than ignore our physiological and emotional responses, we develop the skills that make them our allies.

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